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Auteur Topic: Angola en Oeganda  (gelezen 27754 keer)
Voorgesteld, goedgekeurd
Berichten: 3

« Gepost op: 13 Maart, 2005 13:11:38 »

How-dee my dear family and friends!  Greetings from Angola! 

After 5 plane flights I am finally here! 

Just a refresher – I am in Angola, a country on the south west coast of Africa, till early May.  I am here on a short term medical mission assisting Dr. Steven Foster.  Dr. Foster is a general surgeon working in and around the city of Lubango.  And yes…little me with no surgical experience (or professional medical experience for that matter!) is assisting a surgeon! I am also living with the Fosters for this time.  They are absolutely incredible people…it is a huge privilege to be here.

So first and most importantly, THANK YOU so so so much for all your love, encouragement and prayer.  I am so blessed to have your support – I need you!  Although I packed a bag of ‘essentials’ I  anticipated I would need in a third world country, I feel as if I have come with many greater ‘essentials’ that could never have been packed into a bag.  Thank you-Thank you.

There are so many things I could write about…so much has happened in the last 7 days…it’s rather surreal.  I arrived late last Thursday and early Friday we were up and at ‘em – en route to the Rio de Huile clinic!   On Mondays and Fridays we travel to a clinic about 45 minutes out of Lubango.  Fridays are usually patient consult days – but as we soon discovered – you never no what you are going to get in a day!  Upon arriving at the clinic, we found a 16 yr old girl doubling over in severe abdominal pain.  Within an hour, we were operating on her.   I ended up holding a couple of retractors (instruments to keep the incision open). Mid-way through the operation – I realized I hadn’t even been here all of 12 hours and I was already peering into the depths of an abdominal cavity…and nope…those anatomy books sure don’t depict those intestines like they really are!!  I’m fascinated by our design…but I’ll spare you the details!

So to date, I have observed well over 50 patient consultations and participated in about 15 surgeries.  There has been a lot of firsts-that’s for sure! Mureal, a lovely women from Ontario has joined us.  She is so great to have in the operating room as she keeps the mood ‘light’ and as she says, brings us back to NON REALITY.  I don’t even really believe I am doing the things I am doing!!!

We operated on an elderly women yesterday– I felt such a dampness in her spirit – she laid limp and virtually lifeless on the operating table.  Physically, she was a disaster. Scars covered her body…evidence of many prior surgeries.  A bump protruding from her arm – was actually a broken bone that hadn’t been set properly months before. You could also visibly see at least a 10cm discrepancy in length between her legs.  How this women kept on ticking is a miracle to me!  We operated on her hip – in an effort to clean up the joint and make her more mobile.  Deep into her hip we found a good handful of gauze that had been left there a year ago by a Russian surgeon in the area.  The Russians doctors are known to be quite lethal over here. With the instability of the Russian economy they practice medicine in Angola because they can make a ‘killing’ in the private clinics– they charge prices for operations that are 2 times the amount you would pay in an American hospital.  Who can afford this? Very few – but I am sure in many cases it is a blessing in disguise if one doesn’t fall prey to the knife of a Russian physician.  Fortunately, Dr. Foster operates on many who could never afford medical care.  He is an incredibly generous man with a huge heart.

Our eleventh surgery yesterday was on an albino (missing the skin pigmentation) man- this young man had a gruesome tumor the size of a baseball on the side of his face.  I won’t go into all the gory details – but let’s just say I have never seen so much blood in my life – nor herd how awful bone chiseling could be.  Helder was his name- and he was so resilient.  Our time of prayer before the surgery was so special with him – there is always a chance of death with these surgeries. 

Be blessed you live in the nation you live in.  Third world medicine is nothing like what we see in Canada.  Be Blessed today for you live in a country where medical attention is far greater than any Angolan has seen – Be blessed today because you are good health.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with Angola’s history – it’s quite brutal.  Twenty-six years of civil war has left the country in ruins.  You can see the disastrous effects all around you. Before I left, a sweet friend Kari prayed ‘that my eyes would see the beautiful things’. I quite often find myself captured by the abundance amidst the brokenness….the brilliant purple flowers that spring up from the dirty cracked side walk…the toothless grin of an elderly man awaiting surgery….the gurgle of a babe strapped around his mom’s back…the rays of sun piercing through the broken walls…or the vibrant colored butterflies dancing above the waste in the street.  There is hope here - there is beauty here. 

On Sunday I attended the local church down the street with the Fosters.  This Sunday Steve actually spoke - he not only wears the ‘Dr.’ hat – but the “Pastor Steve” hat occasionally (amazing man!).  As we sat down we could hear the choir entering – their voices bringing angelic presence. Tears rolled down my face as they made there way to the front – God is alive in this nation – his spirit is present here – I was so strengthened in that moment - acknowledging that I am only little me – but God is infinitely greater – and he is here – here in Angola.  That is all I need to know.

O.K. I need to draw closure to this email!  The days are long – and I need all the sleep I can get!  I just don’t know when I’ll be able to write again!  The internet situation is a bit dodgy–we can get a connection every few days or so…it is a very s-l-o-w dial up that consistently hangs up…so as long as the electricity doesn’t go out then we can be on line for a few minutes.  I love getting your emails, it is so great to hear from you.   

Blessings to you!

Lots of Love,

« Laatste verandering: 14 Mei, 2007 16:48:06 door herman » Gelogd
Voorgesteld, goedgekeurd
Berichten: 3

« Antwoord #1 Gepost op: 07 April, 2005 22:41:33 »

Well hello all!  Time for another mass email update from this corner of the earth.  I feel as if I have adjusted well to the pace of life and am really enjoying what the days bring.  I absolutely love the medical work…there is lots to know…but I am enjoying the challenge.  The Portuguese language is coming along….I find my Spanish helps my comprehension quite …but it will be a bit longer before I am engaging in sensible two way conversation.

I thought I would write a bit about my time at one of the clinics.  So much happens in a day here, I thought I’d try and run you through a typical day! For those of you who don’t have time to read – that’s o.k – it’s gotten to be a long email.  In short – I am doing very well – there are challenges but God is ever so present – and I am so gratefully to be here. 

Those of you who have the time – heave-ho – let’s go…..

5:50am – Rise and shine!

6:00am – Exercise club!  …word got out that I liked to workout and soon I found myself developing exercise programs for everyone and their dog!  It’s been a great test – did I learn something in University?!

7:00am – Breakfast with Steve (Dr. Foster), Peggy (his lovely wife) and Pam (another Pre-med student and a wonderful new friend!).  We always have a great devotional and then spend a good amount of time in prayer.  This time is so important for us – it keeps us grounded.

8:45am – Jump in the truck and Head to Rio de Hulia (RDH).  Currently, I spend two days a week at RDH– a little clinic about an hour drive outside of Lubango (the city I am living in).  The distance is only 37 km but the conditions of the roads rarely allow for travel over 60km.  It’s quite a bumpy ride (understatement – we joke we get a good back massage everyday) – it’s often smoother to drive in the ditch.  Dr. Foster drives a huge ¾ tonne truck – my little Honda civic wouldn’t survive these roads!

9:45ish - We pull up to RDH to find at least 50 people gathered outside.  The RDH clinic was started by the church in the late 60s as a mission outreach to the surrounding tribal people.   A couple of dogs wander over to us.  Anyone who has traveled to a third world country knows the tragic condition of these dogs– they are desperately hungry- their filthy, dry coat hangs off their frame –you can see far too many bones.  It’s hard to walk past them – knowing you don’t even want to touch them.  It sickens me to know they are only on the fringe of a much greater tragedy. 

We weave are way through the people – a few smiles here and there but most are tired – an emptiness and despairs looks back at you -they have been waiting for long hours - even days to see the doctor.  So we get straight to work.  Dr. Foster not only does surgeries but also a large amount of general patient consultations.  You have to be a jack of all trades in this country!

The consult room itself is about 2m by 3m – grey walls, once white, close in a dirty cement floor.  A bare bulb stung from the hallway is awkwardly wired to the wall – fortunately the window provides light as we rarely get electricity.  An old, dingy plastic wash basin sits on the floor in the corner – we’ll all wash our hands numerous times in this water -there’s no running water here – that’s for sure.  The sheet covering the examination bed is still the one from last week – probably over 50 people have been examined on this sheet - to the eye it looks relatively clean – who knows what a microscope would see! A nurse brings in a stack of patient records – there are always way more than we can see in a day.  Dr. Foster sifts through them and tries to pull the ‘most desperate’ from the already really desperate. 

We first see an old lady with small burns on her hands.  She has lost feeling in her hands and has been burnt while cooking.  It turns out she has leprosy.  Dr. Foster prescribes some medication and gives some good advice to the women and her accompanying daughter.  Because she has lost sensitivity to heat, pressure etc. -for the rest of her life she will have to be very careful not to further damage herself.  Dr. Foster is really great at interacting with the patients – he takes a generous amount of time with each patient and really seeks to incorporate the ‘bigger life picture’ into things. 

Next, in comes a young girl – she is quite weak – complaining of being tired – we check under her eyelids – she looks quite anemic.  She like many others has malaria.  A case that really gets me today is a women who comes in looking very pregnant.  She comes in complaining she has been pregnant for 2 years now.  Now, we all know the 9 month pregnancy duration don’t we?  Something’s fishy? We examine her and find an empty uterus– but she is swollen right up.  Steve questions her quite intently to find out if she has been seeing the local witchdoctor – something very common around here.  Many patients will see traditional healers far long before they come to this clinic.  I’m blown away everyday by the devastating effects of these witchdoctors. Sadly, many people are poisoned or die from these extreme practices. On this women she has about 100 little knicks – which have formed scars in a concentric pattern around her belly – this is some sort of bleeding technique these witchdoctors practice.  So how is she so swollen?  She took a series of potent drinks ‘to make her pregnant’ – and ‘my goodness’ did she get pregnant with something!  She is lucky to be alive – her abdominal cavity is filled with fluid- she has hepatitis and is in a state of toxic shock.

Dr. Foster says it is a huge uphill battle trying to get people to stay away from these witchdoctors – there is years of culture twisted up in these practices.  Furthermore, the natives have been so hurt by the white people –why should they trust them? I have seen and heard story after story about these ‘traditional healers’.

The consultations are my favorite so far.  I love interacting with patients and the diagnostic process – gathering the clues –putting the puzzle together to figure out what’s wrong.

11:30ish roles around and the anesthetist lets us know he is ready – so we make our way to the operating room.  Today we have 13 operations.  We save the more complex and ‘messy’ ones for the end of the day. We start with a couple gastroscopies (inserting a scope down through the mouth to view the stomach and duodenum) and then a couple of cystoscopies (checking out the bladder).  We will finish our day with a toe amputation – that’s the plan anyways.

The case that really weighs on my heart today is of a young girl – 12 years old.  She came in with a recto-vaginal fistula – a tear that that has caused her fecal waste to come through her vagina.  In the bush these girls end up alienated from their tribes – abandoned and left to die.  Imagining how horrible this could be – I wonder how she even got this fistula.  Turns out it was the result of an obstructed labor – she had had a baby 5 months prior.  Although things have improved - there are still stories from the bush of people that sit on the abdomen of the women in labor to assist the process (yes we are in the year 2005….I am still processing this one!).  As you can imagine- the results for the women are painfully detrimental.  Whether or not this girl experienced this is questionable, but the fact that she is twelve years old is enough to know she is not well equipped for labor.  Holding her frail hand I was overwhelmed by the loss- the injustice done to this little girl – she was so tiny – just old enough to enter junior high back home – and yet, she a child had carried a child.

Our approach in assisting her physically will be two surgeries.  The first a colostomy (pulling her lower colon out of her body through an incision in the stomach).  This will allow for things to become ‘clean’ so we can examine how damaged she is.  In a week’s time we will hopefully begin stitching her up.  After the 30 minute operation I go get the rusty old stretcher and wheel her to the ‘post-op’ room.  We hoist her onto the bed.  A few of us gather around her and pray for her recovery. Emotionally and spiritually I can only imagine how tormented this girl must be. 

The stench in the Post-Op room often makes my stomach knot. The mattresses are stained with urine, some have gaping holes in the middle- flies crawl all over the place, sending shivers up my spine.  The conditions would shock anyone - it is pretty horrendous.  I do my best to push past these things-a smile of a patient always makes these things fade away. 

Looking for the beauty in this place can be challenging at times.  Because the hospital obviously lacks resource and personnel – it requires the families to take care of the patients.  Of course this means the quality of post-op care varies immensely – but I do see a lot of goodness though this.  Most families travel for miles (sometimes hundreds of miles) so they camp out for their duration –which can mean weeks.   Most bring as much food as they can because there is certainly no cafeteria!  Fortunately, some entrepreneurial vendors trek to the clinic to sell grains, vegetables and the odd chickens (and yes they’re live!) for those who have to endure a long unexpected stay.   I can often hear the hustle and bustle of meal times outside – the chicken resisting it’s fate – the crackling of the fire – the hungry children crying.  All part of the sights and sounds from the OR.  Additionally, there is minimal house keeping at the clinic – the families must provide the blankets and bed sheets.  Those fortunate enough, get there sheets laundered in the stream outback.  And you got the idea….no gift shop either!   

Appalled you might be – no sheets – no nurse attendant – no meals on trays – no clean bathroom - no running water (don’t even think about a TV!)- but amidst the depravity there is hope here.  Most often I see a unified effort of the family to care for their sick one.  Ten people will easily show up for the grandmother’s operation.  Grandchildren will tend to their grandparents for days on end.  Love and compassion for one another – these are things no monetary amount could ever provide.  So I cling to hope here -for without love we are nothing.

5:00ish -We start a external fixation operation on a femur. A 39 yr old man was in a car accident last year and shattered his femur.  The government hospital put a pin 15 cm to long in his leg and it is poking out his hip.  Dr. Foster is distraught – ‘this is the kind of treatment that passes as medicine in this country –it is so wrong’!  We remove the pin and start over. 

6:45ish – We start on our last operation – the toe amputation.  A 22 year old girl has somehow managed to have her big toe mangled.  It is literally on top of her foot sticking up at a 90 degree angle – crazy – I’ll have to show you pictures.   We can’t save her toe as most of the tissue is dead.  Maybe in the 1st world a ‘prosthetic toe’ could be used – but unfortunately here that option is not possible.

So it’s nearing 7:30pm –  I usually get pretty giddy by this time (A sure sign I am over tired!).  We stroll on out of the OR, past the front of the clinic.  Under the overhang at least 20 people are camped out on the cement pad for the night.  They wait in hopes of seeing the ‘doc’ tomorrow.  It will likely be three days until we are back.  Think about this the next time you have to wait more than 30 minutes to see your doctor! 

7:45ish -We jump in the truck and head home – I still can’t believe this was all in one day.  Crazy?!

8:45pm Have dinner.

9:00pm Debrief with Pam– pull out the books – go over surgeries for the next day – look up anything we didn’t completely understand today.  Brush up on some Portuguese –can’t ever get enough of that! 

10:30ish – hit the sack!

So that’s a day in the life of Ang right now. Not everyday is like this.  Although, next week we are heading to Kalekembe – a mission hospital 6 hours in to the bush.  Dr. Foster likes to do major operations at Kalekembe as there are more staff that can assist us.  From what I hear it is going to be a very intense week – we will likely do over 65 surgeries and see at least a 100 patients in 5 days.  Apparently we will start really early and go to 10pm each night.  Our living conditions will be quite primitive – no running water- no flush toilets, etc.  …should be an adventure….

Well this has been one long email –if you have made it to this point – I hope this finds you well!  Thanks again for all your prayers and encouraging words.  I am ever so grateful for your support.



This is me and Pam with a little hydrocephalus baby we operated on!
Alina ofs
Voorgesteld, goedgekeurd
Geslacht: Vrouw
Berichten: 7

Vrede en alle goeds! Keep smiling!

« Antwoord #2 Gepost op: 09 April, 2005 17:55:47 »


what a confrontation to read about your work in Angola. I admire your courage and your strength to help those poor people. I wish you Peace and all that is good and may God bless your work!

Alina Bonen.

Pace e bene.
Voorgesteld, goedgekeurd
Berichten: 3

« Antwoord #3 Gepost op: 11 Mei, 2005 17:04:27 »


Well GREETINGS yet again from this corner of the earth!  I hope this message finds you well.

I imagine for most of you spring is on its way in – what a good feeling that is.  Here in Angola the season is changing –it is going from the hot rainy season to the dry (and still hot!) season.  The leaves are already starting to turn a bit yellow.  I don’t know how much I have mentioned about the landscape here – but it is very beautiful.  Rolling mountains are layered by thick green shrub – lush eucalyptus trees tower over smaller mango trees  – rivers weave about the lower lands – big orange sunsets….just how you imagine Africa…magnificent indeed.
So I last wrote around the time I was heading to the Kalekembe hospital.  Kalekembe is a Swiss Mission hospital in the North part of the country.  The hospital was set up by a Swiss doctor in the 1800’s.  He chose the location because it was in the valley near the main slave trade route that ran from east to west across the continent of Africa. Nestled in this valley the mission hospital was hidden from authorities but was still close enough to strategically rescue slaves and help them return to their families. 

The week was really busy – but went extremely well.  It was the best medical facility I have seen in this country. The hospital has 200 beds and is run by about 80 nursing staff.  There are however no doctors, so when Dr. Foster arrives there is always lots of work for him to do.   We did many surgeries some of them included: amputations, appendectomies, hysterectomies, orthopaedics, prostatectomies, and a big hemimandiblectomy-hemiglossectomy (what’s that you ask?! )  Essentially we removed half a jaw and half a tongue. This poor man had tongue cancer – which had spread to his jaw.  His condition was the result of many years of smoking – the cancer had gotten so bad he could barely open his mouth to talk.  We literally sawed off his left jaw, removed half his tongue and stitched the remaining part of his tongue to his cheek.  It sounds pretty wicked- I won’t lie it was a bit gruesome….fascinating but still gruesome!  I am sure anti-smoking as campaigns would love to have some video footage! The surgery was 4 hours long – my main job was running the ‘sucker’ – making sure the area Dr. Foster was working on was visible. 

What I enjoyed most about the hospital was the spirit of the staff.  There was such an upbeat – let’s work together- mentality. It was really encouraging to see, especially as this hospital has gone through a lot of hardship over the years.  The missionaries left in the war years which caused the hospital to crumble.  What has happened now is the Angolans have taken it over and are rebuilding the hospital bit by bit.  It is so wonderful to see them take ownership and believe they can succeed – there is healing happening in many dimensions in this country – restoration is so beautiful.  It is crucial we ‘foreigners’ come along side and do our best to encourage and equip – but not take over.   Angolans must lead this healing process.

The highlight for me was assisting in the delivery room.  I was able to help out (as much as one can!) with 3 deliveries.  The first woman had travelled nearly 6 hours on the back of a motorbike to the hospital.  Unfortunately the baby was dead by the time she arrived.  Identifying mothers at risk and getting them adequate help in this country is a challenging task.  The second mother gave birth to twins: the first a baby boy and the second a baby girl.  The second baby arrived quietly…unfortunately too quietly.  She was dead.  We tried for a good while to resuscitate her.  As hard as it was to be a part of this – I felt such a peace – a peace that God was there – and that was all that mattered in that moment.

The last mother thankfully had a normal delivery.  The baby literally burst out screaming – a good sign indeed!  Pam and I carried the baby out to the waiting family.  We hadn’t gotten a foot out the door when we were bombarded with shrieking – there must have been 10 women jumping and dancing around us.  They were joyfully shouting  -  one grabbed the baby and twirled it around.  Another was clapping her hands – lifting them to the sky.  Even the elderly women were dancing.  We were being kissed over and over  - obrigada (thank you ) - obriagda –obrigda-they kept saying. Pam and I were very touched by this explosion of emotion.  Admits all the hardships these people battle – they still know great joy.  Tears welled up in me handing this new little life over to these women.  Thank you Lord for the gift of life – may we celebrate like this everyday.

So that is a bit about Kalekembe – it’s so hard to decide what to write – there are so many things I could tell you about.  Guess you’ll just have to take me out for coffee if you want to hear more (; !

What else?!

This past Sunday I travelled with Steve, Peggy and Dinho (a pastor in training) to a church service out in the bush.  The outreach is amongst the Muhmwali people who work on a large farm about 2 hours out of Lubango (the city I am staying in).

The service was held in the school – a room with random wire mesh covering the holes in the wall ….a very dirty cracked cement floor….no door.  A chalkboard abused by moisture was barely standing against the wall.  How it was of use  was beyond me.   The children, of which there were many, all huddled on some make shift benches.  At one point during the service one of the boards holding about 6 boys broke.  A lady at the back just picked up another board and nonchalantly replaced it – a sure sign this has happened once before.  Anyhow I am missing the point…it was so refreshing to be a part of this Sunday service – it reminded me of what church should really be about.  We meet with God together.  Period.  It doesn’t matter where we are – how beautiful our church is - what or how we sing – the format we follow – the clothes we wear –  the seats we sit in.  Rather are we uniting together to seek the presence of God?  I was very blessed by this gathering. 

We were also interrupted several times by a few passer byers.  They clearly had had far too much to drink the night before.  One lady came in and started dancing about.  She stopped in front of us, knelt down and started crying.  Something within her wanted so desperately to be free.  All I could do was hold her hand and cry. I hate what addiction can do to people.   If it crosses you- please pray for these people – the Muhmwali tribe. 

I can hardly believe my time here is coming to an end.  It has been so amazing to see God’s hand at work in this country.  I have been deeply impacted by the daily realities of life in Angola and it feels as if I am leaving a part of my heart here.

Saying good bye to the patients at the clinic was tear-jerking to say the least.  It has been such a privilege to be a part of these people’s lives.  It’s amazing how close you can become with people – even when you speak so little of the language.  So many patients are in such vulnerable states– you meet them in that ‘delicate’ place – where every breathe counts.  It is so hard to leave when there just seems to be so much need.  Why is it this way?  I don’t know, and that is why I must walk away in FAITH– trusting in the good Lord.  He knows everything about this place – every inch of every heart – every tear and every smile.   

Thank you for joining me in this journey.  Your words have been so encouraging and inspiring.  May we join together to make a difference in this world.

Peace, Love and Hope to you.


HOPE lives in the confidence that new possibilities of life exist, that present social systems and patterns of life are susceptible to alteration.

HOPE assumes that freedom exists, freedom to become what one now is not, freedom to change not only the course of one’s life but the course of the social history of which one is apart.

- James Gustafson-
Geslacht: Man
Berichten: 485

« Antwoord #4 Gepost op: 15 Januari, 2006 02:11:08 »

Hi Angela,

It's very impressive to read all you have to deal with in your young life. I'm really happy the world has people like you.
Keep up the good work.

Voorgesteld, goedgekeurd
Berichten: 4

« Antwoord #5 Gepost op: 15 April, 2007 10:50:17 »

Ik ben nu in oeganda en werk ik soms met een toer bedrijf die voor een nederlander is als een toer leider. Maar heb ik nu een
vakantie en help ik in  en een kerk in mijn parochie .Er woon ik bij een monsignor en hebben wij een jongeren groep. Zij zijn meestal studenten en moet ik ook op school zijn als ik genoeg geld heb gekrijgen. anders,Hartelijk bedankt en veel success en plezier in alles. MAY THE CRUCIFIED  EEN RISEN LORD BLESS YOU. BESTE  groetjes van JUDITH AMANYA  ,OEGANDA MARTYRS PAROCHIE.
Voorgesteld, goedgekeurd
Berichten: 4

« Antwoord #6 Gepost op: 03 Mei, 2007 17:05:38 »

Lieve Jongeren groep,

Nou ik zal altijd jullie missen maar in mijn hart zal ik jullie houden. Ik zit achter de computer om naar de website te lezen En de photos te kijken .Helemaal blij maar ik moet nog  leren.Inderdaad , zouden jullie in de lucht blijven.

Hartelijk bedankt en Beste Groeten ,
Judith Amanya p/a Monsignor Priester John Barugahare Oeganda Martyrs Parochie 283 Mbarara Oeganda Oost Africa +256 774 72 01 32
Geslacht: Man
Berichten: 485

« Antwoord #7 Gepost op: 03 Mei, 2007 18:34:40 »

Dag Judith,

Wij blijven in elk geval hier wel in de lucht. Het kost een paar centen, maar dan heb je ook wat.

Blijf gerust je berichten hier schrijven. Dat kan altijd door op dit te klikken:;topic=67.0;
Voorgesteld, goedgekeurd
Berichten: 4

« Antwoord #8 Gepost op: 14 Mei, 2007 16:46:46 »

Beste Jongeren Groep?

Hoe gaat het? zijn jullie klaar voor de  feest volgende zondag want Jesus zou naar de hemel gaan,Om hoog bedoel ik. Hoe het dat in Het Nederlands taal weer?

Het gaat met mij goed maar alleen wou ik mijn studie in nederlands houden,maar het is een beetje raar dat kon ik mijn
schhoolgeld niet alle rekenen. Met de CHN, bedoel ik. Anders zal ik mijn studie in Oeganda houden,als dat mag.
Anders,ik hou van jullie en veel plezier en succes in alles.

Veel liefs van
Voorgesteld, goedgekeurd
Berichten: 3

« Antwoord #9 Gepost op: 17 Mei, 2007 21:55:34 »

Hi Judith

greetings from Vastine.
« Antwoord #10 Gepost op: 03 Januari, 2008 09:09:25 »

Wat een verhalen en belevenissen allemaal.. Zou ook graag eens een verre reis maken en daar iets aan vrijwilligerswerk gaan doen. Maar ik ben nog niet verder gekomen dan Drente haha.
Hendrik Boomstam
Voorgesteld, goedgekeurd
Berichten: 68

« Antwoord #11 Gepost op: 03 Januari, 2008 09:12:17 »

hoi brenda,

drenthe is ook een mooie provincie, maar friesland vind ik helemaal te gek. vooral noordoost friesland, want daar zijn veel piratenfeesten. vrolijke strijders olé!
Voorgesteld, goedgekeurd
Berichten: 180

« Antwoord #12 Gepost op: 05 Januari, 2008 13:55:11 »

nu het hier zo stervens koud is zou ik zo graag naar een warm land willen gaan.
maar ik droom maar lekker verder vanonder mijn dubbel dekbed met de kachel op 25
Voorgesteld, goedgekeurd
Geslacht: Vrouw
Berichten: 75

« Antwoord #13 Gepost op: 05 Januari, 2008 15:28:19 »

Haha het is idd echt koud hier! Had ook graag naar een warm land gegaan.. en dan in Mei/Juni weer terug hier heen..
Voorgesteld, goedgekeurd
Berichten: 180

« Antwoord #14 Gepost op: 08 Januari, 2008 12:09:10 »

mooie foto de twee dames met de baby AA089
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